How do bed bugs get into an apartment

New York Bed Bug Settlement

Our Recent $65,000 New York Bed Bug Settlement

The Law Offices of Effie Soter, P.C. is happy to announce our latest New York bed bug settlement. The Plaintiff sustained bed bug bites while in their apartment through no fault of their own.  This bed bug exposure completely ruined...

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What If The Extermination Company The Landlord Hires Isn’t Solving my Bedbug Infestation?

What If the Exterminator the Landlord Hires Isn’t Solving my Bedbug Infestation?

What If the Exterminator the Landlord Hires Isn’t Solving my Bedbug Infestation?

What if the Exterminator the Landlord Hires Isn't Solving My Bedbug Infestation? If you refuse to let the landlord’s exterminator do the work, then you may be accused of being the problem. Generally, in court cases...

What If the Exterminator the Landlord Hires Isn’t Solving my Bedbug Infestation? Continue reading…