New York Tenant Attorneys serving New York, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens,
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Just yesterday I successfully settled one of my "roommate"  holdover cases in housing court and circumvented trial with a little bit of fierce negotiation maneuvering and strategizing. I got my client everything she wanted in the settlement.  It also, of course,  helped to have a reliable witness show up in court at the right critical moment!

Generally, this victory was no easy task because I was dealing with a difficult opposing pro se (prime tenant) litigant who did not want to negotiate, save the threat of trial with a witness (and attorney) who would unveil more truth than the litigant could bear to stand – especially with facts that involved false pretenses.

In the end, everything worked out well in the negotiation and both parties were made whole by the stipulation.  My client got a comfortable amount of time to move, as well, which is exactly what she was looking for.  She was extremely happy with the outcome.  I can't say the same about the pro se litigant who was hoping to have my client evicted from the apartment in as little as two weeks.  A terrific victory for an overall very dramatic case.