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I've wanted to launch a blog for a long time but there was always more research, more preparation, more discussion -something – that needed to be done.  Well, I've finally decided that, just like everything else, the answer is to start doing something.  So, here is the first blog entry from The Law Offices of Effie Soter.

I'm planning to direct the firm's writing primarily to the firm's clients and friends.  I'll cover current issues involving landlord tenant and immigration issues and pass on some of the ideas that I think are most important.  I'll also let you know what is happening in the firm.

I'll start out this time with the firm:  I am pleased to have launched a new website.  A lot of thought has gone into making this site an informational tool for clients and  visitors alike.  If anyone has comments or questions about the site or anything else, feel free post your comments or just email me.  I'll enjoy getting to know all of you a lot better, I know.
