How Do Bed Bugs Get Into An Apartment?
Have you been exposed to bed bugs in a New York Apartment? Bed bugs are spread in New York Apartments in a variety of ways. Hitchhiking on suitcases, backpacks, clothing, bedding. Furniture is probably the most common way they enter...

Is the Landlord Liable for Costs Related to Replacing Property That I Have to Throw Away Because Of Bed Bugs?
Is the Landlord Liable for Costs Related to Replacing Property That I Have to Throw out because of bed bugs? Generally, the landlord is only liable for property...

What should I lookout for with insecticides if I have bed bugs?
What should I lookout for with insecticides if I have bed bugs? Insecticides are highly toxic chemicals. You should educate yourself about a particular product before using it or allowing an exterminator to use it. This...

Can I Ask My Landlord To Do More to Ensure No Bed Bugs Come Into My Apartment?
Yes, you can. A landlord has an obligation to keep your apartment bedbug free, so the landlord should take reasonable steps to keep bedbugs from coming into your apartment from a...

What Do I Have To Do to Get Ready for A Bed Bug Exterminator?
The exterminator will let you know what steps you have to take in advance of extermination — and you should follow those instructions to the letter. Usually, it will involve dry-cleaning or washing and...

Can I Use a Bed Bug Infestation as a Defense in a Nonpayment Case?
Can I Use a Bed Bug Infestation as a Defense in a Nonpayment Case? Yes, you can. Housing Court has awarded rent abatements for bedbug infestations. But you should be prepared to document the...

What If I Have to Move Out of My Apartment While Extermination Takes Place?
Most landlords probably won’t voluntarily pay temporary relocation costs. Trying to get the landlord to relocate you while the apartment is being exterminated will probably require a court proceeding, and there’s no guarantee that housing court would...

What if My Landlord Refuses to Take Care My Bed Bug Problem and I Hire My Own Exterminator?
If you are compelled to hire your own exterminator because the landlord refused to do so, you can try deducting the cost of the extermination from your rent. Make certain, however, that you have written proof that you asked your landlord to hire an exterminator before...

What if My Landlord Refuses to Take Care of My Bed Bug Problem?
You can bring an H.P. (Housing Part) proceeding against the landlord to compel him or her to exterminate. An H.P. proceeding is commenced in Housing Court. Once you file the proceeding, inspectors from HPD will inspect your apartment to verify the presence of bedbugs. HPD inspectors only accept evidence of actual...

Who is Responsible for Getting Rid of Bed Beds in My New York Apartment?
No. That's not true. Your landlord is responsible for it. For tenants in New York, the right to a bedbug-free environment is included in the city’s housing and maintenance code,...